...hospitality solutions with vision
Revenue Opportunities

Maximising Revenue Generation is the primary goal of a hotel call logger, and this is achieved by a combination of features that allow you to create income through billing, save on admin costs with call management, and manage profit by thorough monitoring. Adding Voicemail and Wakeup adds value to your phone system by providing guests with these invaluable services.

It's important to emphasise the contribution of CallScope to revenues...

The call revenue in a 200 room London hotel paid for CallScope in less than a week, while a famous south cost hotel saw a return on CallScope within one month - and the annual service charge is insignificant compared to the continued revenues. Not all hotels see such a quick return, but it's not uncommon.

When we first introduced CallScope into another hotel we saw that uncontrolled administration calls and non-profitable revenue calls were unnecessarily producing a negative revenue on calls overall.

So, it's important to have the tools available to maximise these revenues. How can you employ CallScope to turn call revenue into profit?

  • Reduce administration call costs by monitoring calls with regular automatically produced summary reports and specific reports targeted at phone misuse.
  • Negotiate better carrier rates to reduce overall call costs, by running call cost comparisons with other carriers, targeted at your guests' call patterns.
  • Monitor guest call trends to identify the most profitable call patterns, and promote them with your own CallScope generated phone book and the VoiceScope messaging feature.
  • Maximise revenue on short duration calls, by setting price breaks to optimum levels.
  • Adjust call price breaks, markup and House rates to encourage longer call duration.

© Telecom Eye Ltd. 2006